Boro 0 Wimbourne 2
Views: 1218
Well played to Wimbourne they deserved their win.
I hear Nowby Concede Defeat and Accept We Wont Make 5th place.
As for the 2 goals lm certainly not here to dig players out no way but l have to be honest what l see.
The first goal George Moore just switches off the guy gets a 20yrd run a cross and its in.
What lm going to say people will call the Dark Arts but George should run back quicker and fouled him.
May have been yellow card then all they have is a free we can defend.
2nd Goal is Hafed responsibility.When l was Asst manager of a Sunday League team the keeper was told anything in the 6 yrd box you deal with.lm sorry both those goals were far too easy at any Level of the game.
We are having an excellent season l want to make this clear. Up with the playoffs fight and a Cup Final. In patches today we were good chances were created a post was hit and the effort and passion was there.
But its a Big But there things l would mention.
Before kick off and half time watching the subs"practice" hitting the ball high and wide and its all a Laugh and a joke lm sorry thats wrong.Any practice should be taken seriously with effort and determination yes a few smiles but lm sorry why werent they practicing crosses 10yrd passes etc.Which need working on.
As for training itself is it intense enough.
Watching today players unable to control the ball struggle on some occasions to pass it 10yrds or deliver a free kick or corner well.
With Hard work and Dedication any player at any Level can master these skills.Same with finishing Hard Work.
Is there enough of it in training.Is there a culture of Hard Work and we shall not come off that pitch Without Winning.Is there a fear factor of Losing because if its just a question we do what we can and shrug our shoulders then thats nowhere near good enough.Every player should take defeat as a Dent to their Pride if they dont then that sorts out characters you need to be Successful or not.
Sorry for going on just my opinion.
Man of the Man Match l will give to Nathienal Oseni he played solid and is passionate about the game so well played Nat ok.
Looking forward to Griffin Park.
So Come On You Reds!
Edited by Terry at 18:15:20 on 13th April 2019
Edited by Terry at 18:15:54 on 13th April 2019
Edited by Terry at 18:17:18 on 13th April 2019
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Next article in this thread: Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2 by Earlsmead part-timer13/4/2019 19:06Sat Apr 13 19:06:58 2019
Boro 0 Wimbourne 2 by Terry13/4/2019 18:14Sat Apr 13 18:14:28 2019view thread
- Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2 by Earlsmead part-timer13/4/2019 19:06Sat Apr 13 19:06:58 2019
- Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2 by Terry13/4/2019 19:26Sat Apr 13 19:26:50 2019
- Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2 by Earlsmead part-timer13/4/2019 19:45Sat Apr 13 19:45:35 2019
- Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2 by harrowred13/4/2019 20:28Sat Apr 13 20:28:41 2019
- Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2 by Terry13/4/2019 20:36Sat Apr 13 20:36:49 2019
- Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2 by Terry13/4/2019 19:54Sat Apr 13 19:54:53 2019
- Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2 by Earlsmead part-timer13/4/2019 20:03Sat Apr 13 20:03:52 2019
- Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2 by Terry13/4/2019 20:30Sat Apr 13 20:30:13 2019
- Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2 by Terry13/4/2019 20:21Sat Apr 13 20:21:15 2019
- Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2 by Middlesex Wanderer13/4/2019 20:58Sat Apr 13 20:58:28 2019
- Re: Boro 0 Wimbourne 2 by Terry13/4/2019 21:14Sat Apr 13 21:14:52 2019