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That Race For 5th!

By Terry21/4/2019 07:08Sun Apr 21 07:08:03 2019

Views: 1060

I Look at the table with a certain amount of envy to see Kings Langley and Poole battle it out for 5th.
We should be right up there fighting for it.
But in crucial games yes l will say we Lacked the Bottle and Self Belief didnt have a proper game plan of playing the game in our opponents half and l believe Lack of really intensive practice in regard to Crosses and Dead Ball situations have cost us.
Poole are the the 5th best side football wise and in recent weeks have found the character and belief to dig wins out.
Kings Langley are doing fantastically well too.
So who will finish 5th Poole massive tough Local Derby v Weymouth it maybe a draw and of course they will beat Staines.
Kings Langley go to Walton Casuals lm on the fence again l think thats a draw and they will beat Frome on the Last day.
So lm saying Poole for 5th.
When Boro were in Contention l admit l was playing a few Fergie Mind Games about Kings Langley being just a village team and Poole being bottlers but they have both shut me up and l apologise to any of their fans of both clubs about that if they read those posts.
May the best team get 5th and l would wish them every success in the play offs.

Edited by Terry at 07:08:59 on 21st April 2019
Edited by Terry at 07:09:59 on 21st April 2019

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