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Its Northwood v Marlow!

By Terry22/4/2019 07:07Mon Apr 22 07:07:07 2019

Views: 1111

I spun a coin as to what match to go to and Northwood was the outcome!
I will be absolutely honest l just cant get any enthausuim to watch Boros game today when its just such any obvious mismatch.
Quite how the Southern League have allowed this to happen when a once great club Like Staines runs out of money and is virtually playing a Academy team every match and Losing heavily as a result reallly isnt a good advert for our great game of Non League football.
Something they urgently need to address at their next AGM of the Southern League.
I wish Boro well today of course but when the result of a game is a forgone conclusion wheres the fun it that.
But l will keeping a close eye on things at Northwood and if l see a player on either side who can do a Long throw l shall mention him on this forum this evening!

Edited by Terry at 07:11:20 on 22nd April 2019

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Next article in this thread: Re: Its Northwood v Marlow! by cappers22/4/2019 08:13Mon Apr 22 08:13:41 2019

Previous thread: A Fierce Determination To Win. by Terry22/4/2019 22:54Mon Apr 22 22:54:33 2019view thread