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Re: Its Northwood v Marlow!

By Terry22/4/2019 11:28Mon Apr 22 11:28:04 2019In response to Re: Its Northwood v Marlow!

Views: 893

Fairly Fairweather since 1975!
If Boro persit with Current Style of Play as if they think its ok to Play a Champions League style with Slow Build Up from the Back and a Lack of Serious Effort in Midfield your right Earlsmead Part timer Staines may shock.
Cast your mind back to Frome Town.A Must Win game.
The scores 0-0 on 20 mins.
We have a Free Kick on Half Way.
What do you do?
Hit the Box to win 2nd Ball and Create a Chance of Scoring or as what happened play it 3yrds Short Play 8 passes in our Half and its Back to our Keeper.
In Training every Player should be told a free kick on half way must be hit to the box or the channel near the corner flag in the opponents half never played short.Thats what l meant recentlty about training not being intense enough.An Obvious Lack of Detail Concerning Free kicks which should be worked out in training.
I think Steve wants to play a more direct game but lm not sure some of the current players wish to from what lve seen.
So lm going to Northwood on a spying mission if you Like if l see a player throw a ball Long l shall mention him this evening on the forum.
Vital to get a player in who can do this.
If hes average get him in the middle to kick!
But lm sorry a Lack of planning not to have such a player already.
If you want to win matches badly enough you Leave nothing to chance and no stone unturned!
But most of all Happy Easter!

Edited by Terry at 11:29:07 on 22nd April 2019
Edited by Terry at 12:06:26 on 22nd April 2019

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