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Re: Its Northwood v Marlow!

By Middx Wanderer22/4/2019 13:51Mon Apr 22 13:51:45 2019In response to Re: Its Northwood v Marlow!

Views: 878

I will personally will remember to clap Staines off the field at the end whatever the score.
They have done incredibly well to get to the end of the season. Most clubs in their position fold mid season.
There is nothing the league can do about a member club that has a weak squad or small budget & nor should they.
I think we need to remember how fortunate we are to have our small band of people that work behind the scenes or help raise money to keep us where we are.

Staines, Hendon, Wingate & Finchley are all clubs that care a very similar size to ourselves. All 3 could well be relegated this season

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Next article in this thread: Re: Its Northwood v Marlow! by Terry22/4/2019 20:23Mon Apr 22 20:23:49 2019

Previous thread: A Fierce Determination To Win. by Terry22/4/2019 22:54Mon Apr 22 22:54:33 2019view thread