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By Terry22/4/2019 19:32Mon Apr 22 19:32:24 2019In response to HBFC 9 STFC 1

Views: 1679

Im sorry Earlsmead Part Timer lve got to call this straight that is just a Total Farce and Vindicates my decsion to go to Northwood today.
The Southern League should have a rule begining of each season if you wish to play in the League your players must be of a Certain Standard.
Southern League AGM must find a way of stopping this situation happening again.
It should be simple once you cant field a team to compete then your out for tbe season and you accept relegation.
If we have people coming on the Forum tonight saying thats some of great win lm sorry its not.

Edited by Terry at 19:32:36 on 22nd April 2019
Edited by Terry at 19:33:01 on 22nd April 2019

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Next article in this thread: Re: HBFC 9 STFC 1 by cappers22/4/2019 19:52Mon Apr 22 19:52:48 2019

Previous thread: Whos Going Down! by Terry23/4/2019 21:20Tue Apr 23 21:20:34 2019view thread