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By cappers22/4/2019 19:52Mon Apr 22 19:52:48 2019In response to Re: HBFC 9 STFC 1

Views: 1782

It wasn't a great win because of the situation Staines are in but as has been mentioned, you can only beat what is in front of you. Staines don't usually ship in as many as nine so we did well to score as many as we did. We did what we had to do. This isn't a Southern League issue. How can there be a rule saying your players must be of a certain standard? It's up to each club to put out a team to compete. The league can't get involved with that.

Staines by the way have beaten Swindon, Chesham and Frome at home. We lost all of those home games.

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Next article in this thread: Re: HBFC 9 STFC 1 by Terry22/4/2019 20:04Mon Apr 22 20:04:03 2019

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