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Re: Its Northwood v Marlow!

By Terry22/4/2019 20:23Mon Apr 22 20:23:49 2019In response to Re: Its Northwood v Marlow!

Views: 857

Hello Middlesex Wanderer.Yes agreed we should count our blessings we are well run and have had a very good season.
Top 10 finish and a Cup Final and some great awaydays!
Ive mentioned in reply to Cappers that each club submits a playing budget at the begining of the season of their weekly wages etc.Then every week they prove to The Southern League they are solvent to pay wages.
If they fail 3 times or more to prove they can make their commitments they accept relegation.
Also another thing The Southern League need to wake up to every member club of their Premier must produce a 20 page programme.
Some clubs obviously dont do this so they can use the expense saved instead paying their players.
Time for The Southern League to get their act together and address these issues.

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Next article in this thread: Southern League by Middx Wanderer22/4/2019 20:48Mon Apr 22 20:48:15 2019

Previous thread: A Fierce Determination To Win. by Terry22/4/2019 22:54Mon Apr 22 22:54:33 2019view thread