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Re: A Fierce Determination To Win.

By Whispering Minotaur23/4/2019 11:37Tue Apr 23 11:37:31 2019In response to A Fierce Determination To Win.

Views: 704

As you say it's all down to opinions - I have similar feelings at Hendon that some players aren't showing enough determination to get the results we need to secure Step 3 football next season, but others disagree.

Looks like we'll be in different divisions next season, regardless of whether we (Hendon) stay up next week or not as it seems we're likely to head back to the Isthmian.

Just as a minor point - it is Wimborne (not Wimbourne) and Hartley Witney (not Whitney).

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Next article in this thread: Re: A Fierce Determination To Win. by Terry23/4/2019 18:38Tue Apr 23 18:38:09 2019

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