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Re: That Race For 5th!

By Terry23/4/2019 19:52Tue Apr 23 19:52:03 2019In response to Re: That Race For 5th!

Views: 948

Hello Cappers very kind of you to be in touch.
Im going to quote my golf hero Gary Player again when a Yank said he was Lucky to hole a bunker shot Gary said " The Harder l Work The Luckier l Get"
Thats says it all for me.Hard Work Simple.
Its Never Good to Lose Full Stop.
Expecting to win every game an ideal goal.
Being Competive every game a must no ifs no buts.
I must ask you this in the 8-1 defeat game how hard was the work ethic.
Did you all think because they are top of the League we are beaten before the start.
I was Asst Manager at Sunday Level and believe me you can stop the opposition if your determined enough.
You can kick them. Sledge them.Deny them space by playing Long deep balls and of course from the first corner hit the keeper hard.
Lets be brutally honest except for about 4 exceptions l dont believe the majority of our team know how to win ugly.
They did once at Gosport where it was a battle but you can tell certain players just dont go in hard enough when the chips are down.

Edited by Terry at 19:52:30 on 23rd April 2019
Edited by Terry at 19:53:24 on 23rd April 2019
Edited by Terry at 19:53:51 on 23rd April 2019

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Next article in this thread: Re: That Race For 5th! by cappers24/4/2019 12:11Wed Apr 24 12:11:13 2019

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