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By Terry23/4/2019 20:45Tue Apr 23 20:45:05 2019In response to Re: HBFC 9 STFC 1

Views: 1561

Well Whispering Minotaur Staines are insolvent they couldnt pay the squad the wages the promised so the players Left.
1st rule of Business you must have money to meet your commitments.
My Profession was a Painter/ Decorator if you had no money you cant buy paint.No Paint No Work!.
Staines its a farce every game.
The League should have taken swift action and expelled them when it was obvious they were insolvent.

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Next article in this thread: Re: HBFC 9 STFC 1 by Whispering Minotaur23/4/2019 20:47Tue Apr 23 20:47:09 2019

Previous thread: Whos Going Down! by Terry23/4/2019 21:20Tue Apr 23 21:20:34 2019view thread