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Re: Survival Saturday For Hendon

By Earlsmead part-timer23/4/2019 21:38Tue Apr 23 21:38:42 2019In response to Survival Saturday For Hendon

Views: 1543

After reading the Price of football website, I'm personally amazed any football clubs in England are actually in business and trading.
Latest figures according to the site show virtually every club in debt and most running at a loss. In total at the last count English clubs are in debt to a tune of £ 3,517,300,000 and Manchester United possibly one of the most famous and successful English clubs,owe £ 496 million.
Expel the the lot of 'em !!!!!
Joking aside it's a sombre read and reflection on the modern game.
I wonder when the bubble will burst ?

Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 21:40:12 on 23rd April 2019

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Next article in this thread: Re: Survival Saturday For Hendon by Terry23/4/2019 21:46Tue Apr 23 21:46:32 2019

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