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Re: Staines Its A Farce.

By John Rogers24/4/2019 19:31Wed Apr 24 19:31:21 2019In response to Re: Staines Its A Farce.

Views: 2017

But they aren't insolvent, Terry. There is absolutely no proof of insolvency. Come full-time Saturday they will have fulfilled their fixtures which is the only requirement the league are rightly duty-bound to ensure happens. Having a £0 playing budget does not equal insolvency.

I think those behind the scenes ought to be applauded for keeping the club alive under extreme circumstances. When a club faces financial difficulties I am of the opinion that the first thing to go should be the playing budget. Too many clubs pick and choose which league to play in when the money runs out rather than organically taking the beatings they handed out on the way up on the way back down. (Granted, this isn't really so much the case at Staines since there seems to be some kind of wrangling behind the scenes).

What would your feelings be if, say next season, for whatever reason Harrow Borough were unable to get together a playing budget at all but were reliant on youngsters and the odd favour. Would you want the league to step in and in effect close the club down? Or would you want to see the club give it their best shot, accept that they're likely to get relegated but take the beatings in good heart and look towards a brighter future.

I cannot begin to imagine what those that have been involved at Staines for decades, like Steve Parsons, are feeling this season - but they've stuck it out and receive my absolute utmost respect for doing so. Good on them and I for one hope Staines are able to regroup and come back stronger in the future.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Staines Its A Farce. by Terry24/4/2019 19:51Wed Apr 24 19:51:59 2019

Previous thread: Staines DID NOT field an academy side by Whispering Minotaur25/4/2019 09:35Thu Apr 25 09:35:46 2019view thread