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2018/19 Season

By Earlsmead part-timer5/5/2019 20:59Sun May 5 20:59:58 2019

Views: 893

Just thought I'd post my highlights and lowlights of the season.
Overall u think it's been a very good and enjoyable season for club and fans alike (certainly that's IMO)
Seventh place finish and a MSc cup final to boot as well, I'd have taken that if given back in August.
Anyway here it is listed, the good and the not so good.

King's Langley away, first away win, thought then that the team had the making of a good season - one not struggling near the relegation zone.

Chesham United away, Dylan Kearney scored two there, you could see what a good player he was going to be for the club.

Our attacking play, for a good part of the season it's been fantastic to watch. So many goals, brilliant.

Some new places to visit.
Must admit I've enjoyed going south west rather than around the M25.

Wins against (the ones I got to see) Hendon, Merthyr, Farnborough, Supermarine, Hayes and Yeading, Poole, Gosport and of course Salisbury where it was great to see the players come over and celebrate with the fans.

Other notables

Dylan Kearney, have I mentioned him.
Brentford, Weymouth away, Clapton (always wanted to tick that ground off, what a mud bath!)
NGU, and Northwood.


Kearney moving on.
The loss of form after he left, (think we would have made the play-offs had he stayed)
The shenanigans in the crowd against Merthyr at home.
Losing to Hornchurch and Biggleswade in the Fa cup and Trophy.
Our disciplinary record.
Losses to Wimborne, Frome, Farnborough and Hartley Wintney.
After the Hartley match I knew the game was up as far as the play-offs were concerned.

Any other views out there?

Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 21:01:33 on 5th May 2019

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