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Re: 2018/19 Season

By Middx Wanderer6/5/2019 18:31Mon May 6 18:31:04 2019In response to 2018/19 Season

Views: 957

That's a fair summary of the season.
A high even before a ball was kicked was retaining most of the squad from the previous season even though we switched leagues.
Cumberbatch & Minter left but Al Droubi & Frank Keita were very able replacements. The introduction of Kearney then raised the bar for the whole squad.

A disappointment would be never really finding our best central defensive pair or trio despite having plenty of very able players in those positions. Our signings from New Year onwards didn't really bring anything to the party which was a shame as we needed at least one to have an impact.

I really enjoyed this season, I certainly do not want us to be in the Isthmian next term. Truro should be fun & return visits to Taunton , Dorchester, Salisbury, Merthyr & Wimborne will be looked forward too.

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Next article in this thread: Re: 2018/19 Season by Fixtures Direct6/5/2019 19:36Mon May 6 19:36:05 2019

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