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League companions next season

By harrowred (RedHarrow)14/5/2019 11:44Tue May 14 11:44:35 2019

Views: 1369

So we have definitely lost;


According to early projections online we are also likely to lose Hendon to the Isthmian and gain;

Hayes & Yeading
Blackfield & Langley
Yate Town
Weston Super Mare

In terms of travel, hayes replace Staines and yate replace from whilst blackfield and langley replace weymouth keeping it quite similar. However as we also lose Basingstoke and Hendon and gain trips to Truro and Weston it'll be a bit longer in terms of mileage this season.

Let's hope we get two home draws in the fa cup/trophy to start with.

Anybody heard any different with regards to who will be in our league next season?

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Next article in this thread: Re: League companions next season by Middx Wanderer8/6/2019 15:46Sat Jun 8 15:46:20 2019

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