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Re: Pre season

By Middx Wanderer5/7/2019 17:34Fri Jul 5 17:34:48 2019In response to Re: Pre season

Views: 1502

i will get to a couple, but not over exicited to do more. Looking forward to the competitive games thou.

Terry, the Salisbury game defiantly was not a "nothing game". They needed to win to get a home play off match.
We matched them in the first half & outplayed them in the 2nd.
They were gutted.

We had & still have a very good squad. people have many different opinions about football, but making the same point over & over again does not make the point any stronger.
Get behind this team, we are going to do well this season.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Pre season by harrowred5/7/2019 19:34Fri Jul 5 19:34:58 2019

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