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Re: Pre season

By Morgs8/7/2019 18:15Mon Jul 8 18:15:18 2019In response to Re: Pre season

Views: 1335

Assuming it's at Spelthorne, it's TW15 1RY.
It's on the main A308, Staines Road West, which admittedly isn't as "main" as some bits of the A308, but right on the main road & it's the only thing in that park.
If you need a postcode or SatNav to find that, you must be either the CEO or MD of Uber UK😨... assuming the game is at Spelthorne.

Edited by Morgs at 18:15:51 on 8th July 2019

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Next article in this thread: Re: Pre season by Earlsmead part-timer17/7/2019 11:03Wed Jul 17 11:03:19 2019

Previous thread: Odds... by Morgs13/7/2019 10:56Sat Jul 13 10:56:03 2019view thread