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Re: New league sponsors

By Morgs12/7/2019 20:10Fri Jul 12 20:10:55 2019In response to Re: New league sponsors

Views: 791

No Triads or Snakeheads, no Mafiosi, no Colombian cartels, no people-trafficking gangs, no paedophile brothels and no plastic producers available and I suppose ISIS/Daesh are skint.
Breathtaking hypocrisy... even by the standards of English football.
And I used to work for Mecca and the Tote... when bookmakers were bookmakers, rather than "Fleece the Schmoe" bunco booths that prey on the ignorant, illiterate, destitute, desperate and dysfunctional.

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Previous thread: Merthyr A Good Start! by Terry12/7/2019 12:51Fri Jul 12 12:51:46 2019view thread