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Boro v Binfield Score Predictions.

By Terry7/9/2019 08:28Sat Sep 7 08:28:39 2019

Views: 782

As l said in my preview we need not to take this game Lightly starting slow etc.
A fast start in their faces and we will be far too good for Binfield.
But out there in Forum Land please can we have some predictions for the score just for fun of course.
Im sticking with my old favourite
Harrow Boro 3 Binfield 1
But please any others would be great to have!!!!
So Come On You Reds!!!!!!

Edited by Terry at 08:32:30 on 7th September 2019
Edited by Terry at 08:39:37 on 7th September 2019

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Next article in this thread: Re: Boro v Binfield Score Predictions. by cappers7/9/2019 11:13Sat Sep 7 11:13:24 2019

Previous thread: Harrow Boro v Binfield Match Preview. by Terry7/9/2019 08:26Sat Sep 7 08:26:10 2019view thread