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Re: Beaconsfield 3 Boro 2

By Terry11/9/2019 17:13Wed Sep 11 17:13:01 2019In response to Re: Beaconsfield 3 Boro 2

Views: 769

Thanks Middlesex Wanderer for that contribution because most of us on the forum dont appear to have made it to Beaconsfield Last night! Luckily!
One good thing that came out of the game some of our fringe players got game time etc.
As l said to Earlsmead Part Timer earlier its disappointing the club arent running a coach to Poole Saturday.
Not Least because l presume the players have to make their own way there and not arrive as a team which isnt ideal.
As this was one of the designated games for a coach and to be clear this is a big game already early in the season in my personal view its Poor Planning Not to run a Coach.
I dont know how much it costs to hire a coach to Poole on a Saturday to return the same day l would presume over £1000 but say 25 supporters pay £20 to go on the team coach thats £500 so in my view this is a False Economy for such a big game bearing in mind we already have £6000 guaranteed on our Fa Cup run.
If any forum members have a view or any inside knowledge about this please contribute on the forum.

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Previous thread: What To Learn From Beaconsfield! by Terry11/9/2019 08:24Wed Sep 11 08:24:21 2019view thread