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Re: What to Improve On!

By Terry16/9/2019 11:04Mon Sep 16 11:04:14 2019In response to Re: What to Improve On!

Views: 741

Yes agreed Middlesex Wanderer but theres got to be a mix.
I cant afford to call 606 lm too poor!
But Looking at the highlights on you tube those 3 goals could have been prevented.
The first one the midfield dont track the run of the 2 who wins a subsquent corner which they score from.
2nd goal looks offside by the Poole player has 4 yrds of space on the ball to make the pass.Again midfield at fault.
George Fenton whos normally Excellent and Good Leader on the pitch just at fault for the 3rd as he was ball watching not following the run of the forward he was marking.
We played well l agree but its only my opinion 4-4-2 its an easier system for the players to understand and you can get behind ball easier as a unit.
But at the end of the day only one thing counts Winning no ifs not buts play all the Fancy Attractive football thats Great But its all about Results and Winning matches.
Looking forward to Tuesday!!!!
So Come On You Reds!!!!!!

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Next article in this thread: Re: What to Improve On! by Whispering Minotaur16/9/2019 13:29Mon Sep 16 13:29:20 2019

Previous thread: Reports on Poole v Boro. by Terry14/9/2019 18:21Sat Sep 14 18:21:34 2019view thread