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Re: What to Improve On!

By Whispering Minotaur16/9/2019 13:29Mon Sep 16 13:29:20 2019In response to Re: What to Improve On!

Views: 750

How can you not afford to call 606? It's free to call them! Or are you unable to afford a phone?

It seems to me that you expect perfection from your players - players who are playing at the 7th level of our national game. They are going to make mistakes, they aren't always going to be in the right place. If they were, they'd be playing in the Premier League!

I do thank you, Terry, for your ever entertaining comments however, they do give me a good laugh.

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Next article in this thread: Re: What to Improve On! by Terry16/9/2019 14:52Mon Sep 16 14:52:01 2019

Previous thread: Reports on Poole v Boro. by Terry14/9/2019 18:21Sat Sep 14 18:21:34 2019view thread