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Re: Non League Day, League Champions reunion

By Terry9/10/2019 20:31Wed Oct 9 20:31:54 2019In response to Non League Day, League Champions reunion

Views: 978

Hello Alan Middlesex Wanderer how fantastic thats going to be to see the Stars of the past again at Earlsmead.
Just Brilliant.
I hope Ray Mick and Derek can be found to come.
Derek Harris a great guy very skilful midfielder though l believe for the Telford home 2nd Leg Trophy Semi-Final he played full back.
I always remember that day Like yesterday George Ducks header hitting the bar in the Last minute when it was 3-3 on aggragate and would have taken us to Wembley.
But l remember after extra time whistle and we lost getting on the pitch shaking Derek Harris hand and l always remember him being close to tears poor fella.
So Saturday is going to be fab really Looking forward to it Alan.

Edited by Terry at 02:16:00 on 10th October 2019

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