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Re: MidTable

By Terry19/10/2019 23:05Sat Oct 19 23:05:54 2019In response to Re: MidTable

Views: 1132

Yes agreed Earlsmead Part Timer about that lve had to eat some humble pie about Micheal Bryan he is capable of great quality at this Level.
The problem without a vocal Leader on the pitch there can be a Lack of Urgency and lntensity.
When a cross or corner or free kick is badly overhit who in the team shakes his fist to demand better.
Er no one!
Some people on the forum wont Like me saying this but sometimes you do have to win ugly use some of the dark arts by kicking opponents in midfield a bit of sledging getting in opponents faces anything you can do to get off the pitch with 3points.Playing "Good Football" is all very wonderful but its the results that counts!!!!

Edited by Terry at 23:06:25 on 19th October 2019
Edited by Terry at 23:07:00 on 19th October 2019

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Previous thread: Chesham 1 Boro 1 by Middx Wanderer15/10/2019 22:29Tue Oct 15 22:29:54 2019view thread