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Re: Boro 1 Met 2

By Terry24/10/2019 01:10Thu Oct 24 01:10:59 2019In response to Re: Boro 1 Met 2

Views: 911

Hello HarrowRed try to be optimistic 1 result can often change a season around.
What you say about the players brought in l presume the midfield area.
They are good technical players agreed but Lack physical precense to hold the ball or win the ball this is why we are so open and you see oppostion players running 20 yrds with ball when frankly and its a dark art give the guy a kick and stop the attack.Defend the free kick with players back.
We urgently a Leader Fenton/Preddie are the only 2 with this quality to shake some of the guys and get them giving 100% for the cause.
We need Hard Work and Determination Saturday.
Show that and we will beat a very Limited AFC Sudbury side plastic pitch or not!

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Next article in this thread: Re: Boro 1 Met 2 by harrowred24/10/2019 15:37Thu Oct 24 15:37:34 2019

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