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Dorchester 1 Harrow 2

By Earlsmead part-timer2/11/2019 19:18Sat Nov 2 19:18:58 2019

Views: 956

Sprited performance from Borough today. They dug in, rode their luck perhaps when you need to and snatched the points right at the end !
That's not to say they didn't play some good football, because they did.
Everyone played their part George Moore I thought was outstanding in a more attacking role.
Kearney''s winning goal in injury time "classic Kearney" after great work from Excellence with a brilliant overlap for the cross by Josh.
Dylan thumping it into the net.
Only worrying thing was Frank Keita and Ant going off with nasty looking injuries.
Hope their OK.
Also some sort of altercation with the Ref and one or two Dorchester fans?
Not sure what was going on there ?

Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 19:20:06 on 2nd November 2019
Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 19:23:17 on 2nd November 2019

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Next article in this thread: Re: Dorchester 1 Harrow 2 by Terry3/11/2019 01:30Sun Nov 3 01:30:20 2019

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