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Re: Dorchester 1 Harrow 2

By Earlsmead part-timer2/11/2019 20:52Sat Nov 2 20:52:31 2019In response to Dorchester 1 Harrow 2

Views: 905

With regard to those "altercations" a statement up on Dorchester's website. Allegations of racial abuse.
If true I hope the police get involved. Totally out of order.
It was all happening up the other end of the pitch and us Boro fans up the other end had no idea what was actually going on. Not good :(

Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 20:56:29 on 2nd November 2019

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Next article in this thread: Re: Dorchester 1 Harrow 2 by Terry3/11/2019 01:38Sun Nov 3 01:38:18 2019

Previous thread: WSM 1 Boro 1 by Middx Wanderer29/10/2019 23:19Tue Oct 29 23:19:04 2019view thread