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Re: 3-2 defeat

By Terry17/11/2019 17:33Sun Nov 17 17:33:40 2019In response to Re: 3-2 defeat

Views: 994

I would say around 70-75 goals somewhere of that figure.
Yes your right the defence must do better closing down.
How much hard work is done in training thats another matter.
You watch the guys warm up before a match theres seems to be a lack on intensity.
This ridiculous hand shake before match doesnt help.
At the moment we cant keep a clean ultimately the keepers responsibly so lm saying get a new keeper.

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Next article in this thread: Re: 3-2 defeat by RedHarrow17/11/2019 19:21Sun Nov 17 19:21:08 2019

Previous thread: PhoneyBoro 1 Harrow Boro 1 by Middx Wanderer16/11/2019 19:14Sat Nov 16 19:14:04 2019view thread