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Re: 3-2 defeat

By lee17/11/2019 18:41Sun Nov 17 18:41:09 2019In response to Re: 3-2 defeat

Views: 933

if you had been at any of the last 3 league games you'd have seen how wrong you are in your quest for a new gk! haf has been at fault for 3 goals this season,he is an honest lad who holds his hands up when he does mess up,he works hard in training as do all the lads but when you're limited to a couple of hours a week theres only so much we can do.
if were at the game yesterday (farnborough) you would've seen the 7 hit 3 shots,all on target and all dealt with even a fine save touched on to bar.the Swindon game was 0-0 @ Ht largely down to haff!
you mention warm ups in 1 of your posts,have you seen haff in his warm up,he won't go in till he is happy and set with everything
come down,introduce yourself to me at a game and I'll sit with you and we'll discuss how he's doing throughout the game.

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Next article in this thread: Re: 3-2 defeat by Terry17/11/2019 19:00Sun Nov 17 19:00:44 2019

Previous thread: PhoneyBoro 1 Harrow Boro 1 by Middx Wanderer16/11/2019 19:14Sat Nov 16 19:14:04 2019view thread