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Re: 3-2 defeat

By Terry17/11/2019 19:39Sun Nov 17 19:39:09 2019In response to Re: 3-2 defeat

Views: 947

Melvin Minter is better he had an uncertain start but showed big improvement.
Simon Grant at Marlow is pretty good.
But its good of you Lee to part of the forum working at club this is excellent l can only give you my view other fans strongly disagree.
I will say this about defensive side.
You must have physically strong players in midfield to win and keep the ball.
We signed too many lightweight players in that area yes they were skilful but without the ball you can do nothing.
Keep it simple 4-4-2.
Keeper can keep clean sheets.
Defenders who can defend.
Midfield 2 wide for crosses and can tuck back in without the ball. 1 who can play pass it a bit. 1 who can kick sorry win the ball.
2 up front know where the goal is.
Captain who can shake his fist and motivate and most of all a fierce determination to win.
Dont come off that pitch without 3points.
Yes a fear factor of losing.
Those are the basics.
No more short corners and a guy to do a long throw.
That should be a recipe for success.Hopefully!

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Next article in this thread: Re: 3-2 defeat by lee17/11/2019 19:50Sun Nov 17 19:50:20 2019

Previous thread: PhoneyBoro 1 Harrow Boro 1 by Middx Wanderer16/11/2019 19:14Sat Nov 16 19:14:04 2019view thread