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Re: 3-2 defeat

By Terry18/11/2019 09:52Mon Nov 18 09:52:18 2019In response to Re: 3-2 defeat

Views: 935

Thank you Lee lm very grateful for your time in replying.
Ive supported Boro since 1975 when l first went with Dad just with a bit of a gap late eighties early nineties when l ran my own business lve been a passionate fan.
If Hafeed proves me wrong brilliant by keeping clean sheets and l will eat humble pie!
About the throw ins l was told never throw a ball square because you can lose the ball in a bad area.
You play percentages l believe to have success at this level.
Short corners lm sorry cant agree.
Work hard in training on delivery thats the bottom line make their keeper work and yes give the keeper a knock let him know hes in a contest from the first corner.
You mention about point 5 being obvious well how come the defenders play square balls in our half and not hit channel straight away and also when the ball is out wide why isnt ball hit straight away in box instead of keep trying to find an angle and being over clever.
Long throws vital l notice Shaun Preddie did some last time l saw Boro thats excellent.
Good Football debate fine and dandy fans want to be entertained but Lets get this right its all about Winning nothing else matters.
Wimbledon of the 80s yes please!
Fierce Determined players playing the ball direct not afraid to get stuck and fight for every ball.
A winning mentality hard work and effort a bit like Life in general.
The final point 6 l mention seriously l heard Steve Baker say this on his you tube interview against Carshalton about having a Limited Budget l would not say that because in any job your work what your given.
I know lm probably in a minority of one but this forum is just Brilliant.
A good fighting display on Saturday at Farnborough and lm sure 3points coming this Saturday!

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Next article in this thread: Re: 3-2 defeat by RedHarrow18/11/2019 11:15Mon Nov 18 11:15:08 2019

Previous thread: PhoneyBoro 1 Harrow Boro 1 by Middx Wanderer16/11/2019 19:14Sat Nov 16 19:14:04 2019view thread