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Re: 3-2 defeat

By RedHarrow (harrowred)18/11/2019 11:15Mon Nov 18 11:15:08 2019In response to Re: 3-2 defeat

Views: 838

I agree Terry this forum is great. I respect your opinion with regards to Haff but I disagree and that is fine. I urge the boro coaches and management to keep playing this great football, I have enjoyed it over the last 16 months. I do absolutely agree we need to keep more clean sheets, that’s a winning formula, but I’d also rather not see a boring 0-0 every week.

Great chance this week to beat Wimborne. Hopefully some of the injured players can return and give us an attacking boost.

Are you attending this Saturday Terry? If so I’d like you to take some notes, how many saves Haf makes and how many mistakes he makes.

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Next article in this thread: Re: 3-2 defeat by Terry18/11/2019 11:40Mon Nov 18 11:40:44 2019

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