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Re: 3-2 defeat

By Terry18/11/2019 11:40Mon Nov 18 11:40:44 2019In response to Re: 3-2 defeat

Views: 986

Thanks Red Harrow lm hoping to be there. lve been on a 4 week contract to get some cash in for xmas.
I think the problem is Hafeed does make some good saves lm not questioning that but he Lets in too many soft goals.
He must be more decisive at corners and not out the goal so much thats the defenders job to deal with.
I ask you honestly are you confident we will keep a clean sheet.If not straight away we must score 2 to win and dont be taken in about this good football mantra its only any good if you win matches.
Give me a solid 1-0 or 2-0 and up near top of the league than a so called exciting 3-2 Loss.
Looking forward to Saturday!

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Next article in this thread: Re: 3-2 defeat by RedHarrow18/11/2019 17:54Mon Nov 18 17:54:27 2019

Previous thread: PhoneyBoro 1 Harrow Boro 1 by Middx Wanderer16/11/2019 19:14Sat Nov 16 19:14:04 2019view thread