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Harrow Boro v Wimbourne Match Preview.

By Terry23/11/2019 08:37Sat Nov 23 08:37:02 2019

Views: 815

Marc Charles Smith back thats good news.
A quality player.
At last lve thrown off the shackles of work my 4 week contract over and back to the important stuff getting to the match this afo!
Weve got talented players no doubt but we need to be more street wise.
When we have the lead keep the ball deep in opponents half yes a bit of time wasting and also a few fouls to disrupt play.
Good Football mantra wonderful but winning and 3 points what counts.
Lets hope for a. 4-4-2 and no fancy systems.
The pitch will be heavy and the wind going to blow so not just a test of football ability but character who wants it the most.
I have no doubt man for man we have better players than Wimbourne.
With the right attitude lm saying 3-1 to Boro.
I hope lm wrong about us conceding and keeping a much needed clean sheat though!
So as Always.
Come On You Reds!!!!!!

Edited by Terry at 08:48:53 on 23rd November 2019

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