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Re: Whats The Score?

By cappers7/12/2019 11:37Sat Dec 7 11:37:13 2019In response to Re: Whats The Score?

Views: 862

We are on very poor form, in fact, I'd say we are beyond poor form because poor form doesn't go on for a whole calender year, which is what has happened to us.

We were thrashed by Brentford B. We might have stood a chance if we had played Brentford F or Brentford Vets or perhaps even Brentford Ladies.

I expect us to lose. 1-2 to Tivvy Town.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Whats The Score? by Terry7/12/2019 13:28Sat Dec 7 13:28:52 2019

Previous thread: Harrow Borough V Tiverton Match Preview. by Terry7/12/2019 06:15Sat Dec 7 06:15:49 2019view thread