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Re: 1-5

By Middx Wanderer8/12/2019 10:32Sun Dec 8 10:32:10 2019In response to 1-5

Views: 968

I honestly do not think either Red cards were correct. The handball was very harsh, to decide it was stopping a certain goal is nonsense. Having said that Josh Andrew should have defended better in the build up, but backed off to allow the Tivvy player into the box.
The 2nd incident was a Foul. It was yellow card. It was not a Red Card offence. The ref was conned by Tiverton players reaction.

Credit to the Boro players, it was a decent performance. I thought Jordan Ireland was exceptional, he was so close to equalizing when it was 10 v 11.

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Next article in this thread: Re: 1-5 by Terry8/12/2019 12:49Sun Dec 8 12:49:48 2019

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