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Re: Whats The Score?

By Terry26/1/2020 17:54Sun Jan 26 17:54:07 2020In response to Re: Whats The Score?

Views: 846

Very Interesting do the players read this.
I hope they do.
There has been good praise for wins.
But when theres critism theyve good to show character put things right and shut me up.
That would be brilliant we all want the same outcome Harrow Borough to do well and win as many games as possible.
Trying to think of a positive Anthony scored a good goal and most important learn the lessons from yesterday by Hard Work in Training This Week.

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Previous thread: Harrow Borough 1 Hartley Witney 4 by Terry25/1/2020 18:04Sat Jan 25 18:04:50 2020view thread