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Re: Taunton V Harrow Borough Match Preview.

By Earlsmead part-timer1/2/2020 09:21Sat Feb 1 09:21:50 2020In response to Taunton V Harrow Borough Match Preview.

Views: 703

While I agree with you Terry that we've got to go there and show no fear and give 100% (win or lose that's all fans ask for)
If we have got the same muppet referee or someone similar in charge we will only have to cough and not say pardon and he'll send our players off !!!

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Next article in this thread: Re: Taunton V Harrow Borough Match Preview. by Terry1/2/2020 10:23Sat Feb 1 10:23:02 2020

Previous thread: Taunton away preview by BoroHome&Away30/1/2020 10:09Thu Jan 30 10:09:21 2020view thread