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Re: Taunton 3 Harrow 2

By Terry2/2/2020 09:27Sun Feb 2 09:27:13 2020In response to Re: Taunton 3 Harrow 2

Views: 832

Hello Red Harrow.
I saw his goal on You Tube and he took it well.
Chime does make good runs and has got pace.
But giving you my Honest Opinion is he Physically Strong Enough to mix it with Defenders in a Tough League Like this.
To be Totally Honest l would say No but l hope he proves me wrong!
His Debut against Hartley Whitney was Poor but hopefully that goal yesterday will give him Confidence.
MCS and Anthony O'Connor Would always start if fit if l was picking the team.George Moore a good alternative.
The Kind of Players you need for this league are not great technical players but Physically Tough.
Difficult to knock off the ball and do the basics well whether its Defending or Attacking.
When Borough are Looking to Sign a Player thats would they should be Looking for.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Taunton 3 Harrow 2 by RedHarrow2/2/2020 10:07Sun Feb 2 10:07:23 2020

Previous thread: "Highlights" by Terry2/2/2020 01:43Sun Feb 2 01:43:53 2020view thread