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Re: Next up : Swindon Supermarine away!

By Earlsmead part-timer13/3/2020 12:47Fri Mar 13 12:47:51 2020In response to Re: Next up : Swindon Supermarine away!

Views: 1347

Probably only a matter of time til everything goes into lock down in UK perhaps next week I reckon ( hey but what do I know? !)
Mind you for my "two cents worth" I reckon the virus has been active around the world since Xmas.
My fit as a fiddle brother was really ill with flu like symptoms back than and hasn't been abroad for years ! The Chinese were very secretive and economic with the truth over the outbreak anyway at the start, I reckon it's been all over the world infecting thousands of people before the cat was out the bag.
It's bad news but we can only delay the spread now .

Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 12:48:45 on 13th March 2020

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Next article in this thread: Re: Next up : Swindon Supermarine away! by Boro Loyal13/3/2020 12:44Fri Mar 13 12:44:16 2020

Previous thread: A Final Word! by Terry13/3/2020 21:07Fri Mar 13 21:07:42 2020view thread