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Re: Next up : Swindon Supermarine away!

By cappers13/3/2020 16:27Fri Mar 13 16:27:34 2020In response to Re: Next up : Swindon Supermarine away!

Views: 1644

Let's be clear here. We are dealing with a virus that has a death rate of 3.4%. The flu has a death rate of 0.1%. I have a father who is 69 years old and suffers from diabetes and guillain-Barre syndrome and if he catches the corona virus he is potentially facing death.

The fact people on this forum are playing down the severity of this virus is just plain sad and quite frankly unbelievable. All people will be put at risk by playing football matches in a stadium. That includes players, staff and spectators even though attendences at this level are in the hundreds rather than the thousands.

I find it incredibly sad that the UK government is doing nothing to stop the spreading of the virus. As I mentioned in previous posts, they are an absolute disgrace and are practically killing people. How do you know that players and staff from Southern League clubs don't have players that have contracted the corona virus? Now is clearly not the time to be playing football and gathering in crowds, even at this level.

Terry, you are always telling us about how proud you are to be Irish. So why no comment about the sensible steps the Irish Republic have taken in their response to controlling the corona virus? Why is it, every country in the world is taking sensible measures to stop the spread of the virus apart from the UK?

Well done to the Southern League for doing the right thing.

Edited by cappers at 16:34:00 on 13th March 2020

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Next article in this thread: Re: Next up : Swindon Supermarine away! by Terry13/3/2020 16:59Fri Mar 13 16:59:57 2020

Previous thread: A Final Word! by Terry13/3/2020 21:07Fri Mar 13 21:07:42 2020view thread