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Re: No Descsion By Middlesex FA

By TOWN COLOURS13/3/2020 19:36Fri Mar 13 19:36:00 2020In response to Re: No Descsion By Middlesex FA

Views: 1293

Mmmm. I agree with Terry about this quandary. Wait until government advice changes!!!! The real galling thing about the situation is that the National League fixtures are being played tomorrow. When the government give the matter further consideration the likely outcome is that matches with small crowds of say under 1000 will still get the go ahead to be played. Hardly any matches in our league get more than 1000 and no doubt they could make matches all ticket if necessary. If people are worried and don't wish to attend matches then they don't need to do so.
Anyway I guess it will be interesting to see the developing situation. Everyone seems to have a different idea on how we should cope with the virus including doctors.

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Next article in this thread: Re: No Descsion By Middlesex FA by cappers13/3/2020 19:47Fri Mar 13 19:47:11 2020

Previous thread: A Final Word! by Terry13/3/2020 21:07Fri Mar 13 21:07:42 2020view thread