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Re: Next up : Swindon Supermarine away!

By cappers13/3/2020 19:41Fri Mar 13 19:41:28 2020In response to Re: Next up : Swindon Supermarine away!

Views: 1305

It's funny how you mention our government's advice and complete lack of leadership in the same sentence because that's exactly how I would describe our government's actions on this matter - showing a complete lack of leadership.

The Southern League have the right to suspend the season as they run it and have deemed it not appropiate to play football matches in the current pandemic. Freedom of choice? How do you know all the players in the league want to play matches in the current pandemic? Have you asked every single player from every club? Have you asked the referees if they are happy to officiate? Organisations have to make decisions and the decision based on the health of everyone is to suspend the season. As fans, we rightly have no say in the matter.

My friend plays Sunday League football in Bedfordshire and he just sent me a screenshot saying that all football leagues in Bedfordshire are suspended citing that the welfare of players, volunteers, referees and supporters is of paramount importance.

The Irish have got it wrong? Our government have got it spot on then? Carry on as normal and let the virus keep spreading? Unbelievable.

I would love smoking to be banned. I can't stand smoking. Smoking is a choice people make. Catching the corona virus is certainly not a choice and can be passed on very easily from person to person.

I will not comment any further on this topic. I have made my opinion very clear.

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Next article in this thread: Re: A Very Poor Descsion By Southern League. by Terry13/3/2020 15:41Fri Mar 13 15:41:17 2020

Previous thread: A Final Word! by Terry13/3/2020 21:07Fri Mar 13 21:07:42 2020view thread