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Re: No Descsion By Middlesex FA

By cappers13/3/2020 19:47Fri Mar 13 19:47:11 2020In response to Re: No Descsion By Middlesex FA

Views: 1297

But Town Colours, you are looking at it from a fan's point of view. How do you know that all players are willing to play? How do you know that certain players from certain clubs are not already in isolation due to the suspected corona virus. We've seen it with the whole squads of Chelsea, Portsmouth and Arsenal. The government's advice is to carry on as normal even though they have admitted cases will continue to rise. There are going to be a lot of people that are not going to follow that (non) advice and rightly so.

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Next article in this thread: Re: No Descsion By Middlesex FA by TOWN COLOURS13/3/2020 20:07Fri Mar 13 20:07:28 2020

Previous thread: A Final Word! by Terry13/3/2020 21:07Fri Mar 13 21:07:42 2020view thread