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Re: No Descsion By Middlesex FA

By harrowred (RedHarrow)14/3/2020 09:39Sat Mar 14 09:39:24 2020In response to Re: No Descsion By Middlesex FA

Views: 1462

I’ll throw my thoughts into this;

With the governments current advice I was surprised that the Southern League postponed games for two weeks, however I do understand it.

Being at Boro on Tuesday night, I had no worries about catching the virus. I felt just as safe, if not more at Boro, than going to Tesco to do my weekly shop or being at work in a school all day. Non league football is genuinely an open stadium with not that many fans. The governments advice at the moment is that these events can continue. However if a team did not want to play, I would think that is fair.

In the middx county league, the ruling has been set - both teams can agree to play a match if they are willing to do so. If a team does not want to play, they are within their rights to say no and will face no fine or punishment.

As regards to the mortality rate, it is thought that a huge amount of people (10,000ish) have the Coronavirus in the UK but; have no symptoms, have mild symptoms which doesn’t stop them going about their day or have it but have just not been tested. If this is the case then that leaves us with a mortality rate of 0.1% as only 10 people have died from it.

As for the Southern League I hope that teams can finish the season if the Gov has got this right with the science.

As for the PL, it would be funny if Liverpool were denied their first title in 30 years if they couldn’t finish it.

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Next article in this thread: Re: No Descsion By Middlesex FA by Terry14/3/2020 09:52Sat Mar 14 09:52:14 2020

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