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Re: Well Done National League.

By Earlsmead part-timer15/3/2020 15:11Sun Mar 15 15:11:34 2020In response to Re: Well Done National League.

Views: 1426

Thanks, yes I'm not a day over 21! Yes I thought the same thing with the mother-in-law, she's in her early 80's and hey, look, I'm not being flippant or not taking it seriously I'm , but....
When my Misses says to her (when the government bring his thing in, which they say they will) sorry Mum your not allowed out anymore for the spring and summer she'll say.
"Hitler and his doodle-bugs never stopped me when I wanted to go out and this virus isn't either"
I'll make sure I'm not there when that scenario kicks off's!

And on another note if it does come in that's a sizeable chunk of any bodies Non-league crowd gone, presumably a lot of board members, chairman and volunteers as well.

Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 15:17:09 on 15th March 2020

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Next article in this thread: Re: Well Done National League. by harrowred15/3/2020 14:14Sun Mar 15 14:14:43 2020

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