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Re: Well Done National League.

By cappers15/3/2020 16:27Sun Mar 15 16:27:04 2020In response to Re: Well Done National League.

Views: 1574

Firstly, regarding the football. All football will be off including the National League. Loads of games were called off (apart from National South) due to teams having players in self-isoltation. The Essex Senior League allowed their games to be played and as far as I know, not a single game went ahead. It's pathetic that we're having a debate as to whether football matches should be played or not when the answer is so obvious.

I am extremely concerned by all of your comments regarding this pandemic. None of you appear to be taking this seriously. Surely you watch the news and can see what's going on in Italy. They can't cope with all the people who are seriously ill from the virus. The mortality rate in Italy is a huge 7% and the hospitals can't cope. If you think this is just another form of flu then you are sorely mistaken. This is FAR more dangerous than flu for the elderly. There are HUGE problems ahead for the UK and I feel incredibly sorry for any high risk person knowing that there are people with such awful views on this forum. It's heartbreaking you feel this way.

I can tell you one thing, unless the government pull their finger out, a few months down the line, you'll look back at these posts on this forum and realise how wrong you got it.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Well Done National League. by Terry15/3/2020 17:07Sun Mar 15 17:07:29 2020

Previous thread: Business rates by harrowred16/3/2020 06:59Mon Mar 16 06:59:33 2020view thread