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Re: Well Done National League.

By cappers16/3/2020 19:54Mon Mar 16 19:54:35 2020In response to Re: Well Done National League.

Views: 1407

Just to add to what geemickey just wrote, understand that this is a major crisis. For anyone over 70 (and we have plenty of them at the Boro as Wealdstone always like to remind us!) or those slightly younger and especially with any underlying health conditions be very careful. Being very careful means staying at home for months. It won't be easy but better to be safe than sorry.

Also what is very important, if you are not in that category, remember that although the virus is unlikely to cause you any great problems, you can easily pass it on to people who are at risk, whether that be older members of your family or strangers. Please bear that in mind.

My Dad has finally got the message and has confirmed to me today that he will be staying at home for the next few months. I can sleep a bit easier at night.

There will be some real dark days ahead unfortunately, I'm just glad I'm safe here in Kazakhstan.

Stay healthy people!

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Next article in this thread: Re: Well Done National League. by Terry16/3/2020 21:02Mon Mar 16 21:02:35 2020

Previous thread: Business rates by harrowred16/3/2020 06:59Mon Mar 16 06:59:33 2020view thread