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Next thread: 2nd Best Boro 11 by Terry22/3/2020 22:15Sun Mar 22 22:15:01 2020view thread

Re: Best borough 11

By The Majors Hat22/3/2020 04:40Sun Mar 22 04:40:44 2020In response to Re: Best borough 11

Views: 1060

1. David Hook
2. Dave Clarke
3. Sean James
4. Pat Jackman
5. Dave Bensted
6. Frank Appiah
7. George Moore
8. Martin St Hillaire
9. Neil Fraser
10. Mark Xavier
11. Lee Endersby

Very much a 90s line up but I'm making no apologies for that.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Best borough 11 by Middx Wanderer22/3/2020 09:06Sun Mar 22 09:06:05 2020

Previous thread: RIP Frank Seward by Middx Wanderer19/3/2020 13:46Thu Mar 19 13:46:33 2020view thread